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Annual visit by Dr David Brown F,MVSO Chairman

FMVSO Trustees

FMVSO Chairman David Brown has recently returned from his annual visit to Manjushree.  He spent two weeks living at the orphanage and working with the children.  He taught science to classes 6, 7 and 8 (children aged 11-14), and took some of the older children for extra science coaching.  He even took over the extra-curricular art sessions that Di normally oversees!

In November the air in the mountains is cool yet the sun can be very hot. David had some lovely warm and sunny days; on other days it was cloudy, damp and very cold.  As usual the electricity was off a lot of the time so often there was no lighting in the classrooms.  The internet was not working much of the time.

The new building is impressive but it is still rather bare inside due to lack of funds for books and equipment. The science labs are empty but FMVSO have sent funds to purchase equipment ready for next term.  The local Indian army commander has donated 3 new computers with Microsoft software and Antivirus installed.  Lama Thupten said he would be very happy for FMVSO to take out material, eg videos, to teach outside the school curriculum books, which tend to be quite narrow in content. He would welcome the opening of the children’s minds to the wider world by opening up subject content.  FMVSO will be looking to encourage and support the use of technology in the classroom each time Trustees visit.

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FMVSO Registered UK charity (Number 1113428) 

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