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The Dalai Lama visiting Tawang

FMVSO Trustees

Updated: Apr 24, 2020

For some months there has been much press coverage, and speculation and excitement in Arunachal Pradesh, about the proposed visit of His Holiness Dalai Lama to Tawang.   The original planned date was in March.   His amended scheduled arrival was further delayed, heavy rain preventing the helicopter taking off from Guwahati in Assam, then on the long road journey up into the Himalayas, snow causing more problems.  From 8-10 April, 50,000 people gathered in Tawang to hear the Dalai Lama’s teachings, Buddhists from Bhutan and Myanmar as well as local tribes-people, many of whom had walked for days to reach Tawang. The Dalai Lama has a special affection for Tawang and has visited before – he has shown a particular interest in Manjushree Vidyapith and on this visit to Tawang he stopped there to meet the children.

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